A historic image of people in the textile industry in Latin America, Carolina's family

The Origin

Growing up in an Argentinian family that cultivated love for textiles and design, Carolina Kleinman founded her namesake brand in 2005.
After traveling the world, Carolina settled with her family in Tepoztlán, Mexico, where she started to work with artisan cooperatives. She continued traveling to Bolivia & Peru during the developing stages of her brand, where she combined the traditional work of these different cultures to create the differentiating ingredients of her emerging designs.
Carolina’s desire to preserve the history and culture of these communities is a vital part of her DNA and her brand's philosophy.


(Image features Carolina's grandfather with artisans he worked with while living in Bolivia)

Our Mission

Carolina K has been dedicated to creating sustainable products while supporting artisans across Latin America. From the brand's inception, our vision was to collaborate with artisans in remote regions, and we are honored to continue working with them year-round. We strive to empower these communities, preserving their ancestral techniques passed down through generations.
With love and care for people and the planet, we work with small artisan cooperatives to craft timeless, slow fashion pieces each season, reducing our environmental impact.


A group of many people holding hands, Carolina and all the artisans she works with